Steering and suspension system


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Steering and suspensions

Steering and suspension are essential to the safety and stability of your vehicle. Poor suspension leads to a loss of control which reduces the grip of the tires on the ground during avoidance or braking.

The purpose of the steering system is to make handling your vehicle easy and precise. It includes several components. Together, these components allow you to achieve safe driving. The operation of the system is rather complex; it reacts to the movements of the steering wheel and then directs hydraulic or electric pressure to either side of the rack to move the wheels in the desired direction.

Here is a list of the main components of your vehicle's steering system:



The suspension plays an important role in the handling of your car, as it provides contact between the tire and the road and also helps reduce braking distance.

Here is a list of the main components of your vehicle’s steering system:

We recommend having the steering and suspension of your vehicle checked by our specialists at least twice a year or if you hear disturbing noises.

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